Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Week 8 Coments and Feedback

 Feedback in:

 I've received a lot of feedback from other classmates, and overall it's been very positive. I've had a lot of encouraging comments, as well as comments that include constructive feedback. I enjoy reading through them, I think they're very helpful.

Most of the constructive feedback has been on my storybook project. There's a lot of ideas people are kind of throwing my way that I think would work well with my project. I've been trying to do things a certain way, and another set of eyes will point out a better solution. 

All in all, the feedback I've received so far has been great. 

Feedback Out:

I'm not sure my feedback is very constructive. When I read people's stories and look at their projects I tend to find things I like and comment on that aspect. I've never been good at giving feedback, which is why I couldn't ever teach. I'm not sure how to be constructive.

Blog Comments:

Blog comments are probably my favorite part of this course. I love seeing new comments on my post, and I really like to post comments as well. I see familiar names often, and I feel like there's a community of sorts posting on each others blogs. I think it's really fun.



I chose this image because I think it's a great template on how to provide constructive feedback. Like I said , I've never been good at giving feedback, and I think this is a great infograph to follow when providing. I'm going to use it in the future when giving feedback.















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